Tuesday 7 March 2006

A Damsel In Distress (1919) - A. L. Burt (George Doran?) First Edition?
Big Money
(1931) - Penguin, 1953
Carry On, Jeeves (1925) - Pocket Book Edition, February 1948
- Penguin PB, 1999
The Cat-nappers (1974) Simon and Schuster, First Edition, First Printing? (w/DJ)
Do Butlers Burgle Banks? (1968) Simon annd Schuster, First Ed., First Print (w/DJ, ex. lib)
Five Complete Novels (1983) - Avenal Books
- The Return of Jeeves (1954) - published as Ring For Jeeves in UK (1953)
- Bertie Wooster Sees It Through (1955) - pub. as Jeeves and The Fuedal Spirit UK ('54)
- Spring Fever (1948)
- The Butler Did It (1957) - published as
Something Fishy in UK (1957)
- The Old Reliable (1951)
The Gold Bat and Other School Stories (1986) - Penguin
- The Gold Bat (1904)
- The Head of Kay's (1905)
- The White Feather (1907)

The Golf Omnibus (1973) - Wings Books 1996 - short stories
Hot Water (1932) - Penguin PB 1982
Jeeves and Impending Doom (1930) - Pocket Penguin 63, 2005 - short story
Jeeves and Wooster Omnibus, Hugh Laurie Intro. (2001) - Penguin
- The Mating Season (1949)
- Right Ho, Jeeves (1934)
- The Code of The Woosters (1937)

The Jeeves Omnibus, Vol. 1 (1989) - Random House 1999
- Thank You, Jeeves (1934)
- The Code of The Woosters (1937)
- The Inimitable Jeeves (1923)
The Jeeves Omnibus, Vol. 3 (1991) - Random House 2000
- Ring For Jeeves(1953) - published as The Return of Jeeves in USA (1954)
- The Mating Season (1949)
- Very Good, Jeeves (1930)

Joy In The Morning (1946) - Coronet Edition 1977, Third Impression 1984
Meet Mr. Mulliner (1927) - Herbet Jenkins, 1st Edition, Fourth Printing (w/DJ)
Money For Nothing (1928) - Herbert Jenkins, 1st Edition, Seventh Printing (no DJ)
Mulliner Nights (1933) - Second Vintage Books Edition, April 2005 - short stories
The Pothunters and Other School Stories (1985) - Penguin
- The Pothunters (1902)
- A Prefect's Uncle (1903)
- A Tale of St. Austin's (1903)
Sunset at Blandings (1977) - Chatto & Windus Ltd., First Edition (w/DJ - ex. Lib. discard)
Vintage Wodehouse, Richard Usborne Ed. (1977) - Penguin, 1981
What Ho! The Best of PG Wodehouse, Stephen Fry Intro. (2005) - short stories and essays
The World of Smith Omnibus (1993) - Penguin
- Psimth In The City (1910)
- Psmith Journalist (1915)
- Leave It To Smith (1923)
Young Men In Spats (1936) - Herbert Jenkins, 3rd Printing (no DJ)

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