Sunday 9 April 2006

Suzanne, Chris and I had a great day on the ski hill at Blackcomb today. The visibility was POOR for much of it, which was a drag, but that mountain is awesome. There is just so much you can ski on out there. Suzanne and I like to stick to the greens, so we pretty much spent the whole afternoon on this really long run called Easiest Route. Chris was a trooper, amusing himself by popping off little cliffs on the sides. It's a beautiful place and outrageously expensive; my aprés-ski Caffrey's was $7.10. But oh so soothing....after 6 hours up and down the hill that pint was one of the best. In this video, I have skiied down a little further than Chris and Suzanne with the intention of capturing their excellent form. They really are excellent skiers, but not so much when it comes to taking direction. After I signalled their start you can actually hear them chatting and laughing. I got flustered and forgot to press the record button when they finally did go, but you should have seen it....they were awesome.

1 comment:

brokenengine said...

That looks like snow...
